New: Hunting Offers a Full Line of Logging Instruments

Hunting’s new Instrument partnership with Well-Sun broadens Hunting’s global offering from perforating logging instruments to also include production and well integrity logging instruments, while maintaining the high quality standards associated with Hunting’s instrumentation.


Hunting now offers logging tools for Pipe Integrity, Well Flow Diagnostics, Cement Evaluation, and Specialty Tools.


Pipe Integrity

Hunting Production Logging Multifinger Caliper Tools

Well production and stability ultimately depend on pipe integrity. The condition of the pipe strongly effects tubing and casing, which can impact production. Hunting offers a portfolio of tools, manufactured by Well-Sun, that quickly determines the status of a pipe and the location of any existing issue.



• Imaging Caliper Tools
• Electromagnetic Thickness Tools


• Increased life of well
• Saves costs associated with well mediation
• Ensures effective production of well


• Drilling wear on pipe
• Single or multiple string casing diagnostics
• Leak Detection
• Casing corrosion
• Deformation of pipe


Well Flow Diagnostics

Hunting’s Well-Sun manufactured line of production logging tools encompass a wide variety of production logging tools that are used in all types of downhole environments in horizontal, vertical, and deviated wells.


Hunting Production Logging Well Flow Diagnostic Tools


• Gamma Ray
• Fluid Density
• Pressure
• Capacitance
• Temperature
• Spinner


• Can be combined with Array Production Logging Sensors
• Completely modular
• Provides accurate measurements of flow velocity, fluid velocity, gas hold up, and other useful measurements
• Can be run in real time with E-line or in memory production logging mode
• Conveyance independent




Flow Velocity Measurements
• Full-bore flow meters
• In-line flow meters
• Continuous flow meters
• Basket flow meters


Flow Condition / Well Diagnostic Tools
• Pressure, temperature
• Casing collar locator
• X-Y caliper
• Gamma ray


Flow Composition Measurements / Fluid Identification
• Gas holdup
• Capacitance water holdup
• Radioactive fluid density
• Differential pressure density
• Capacitance array


Cement Evaluation

Cement evaluation is a key element in the success of a well. Ensuring correct cement jobs ultimately saves time and money by ensuring the stability and productivity of a well.


• Cement-Bond Tools (CBL)
• Radial Bond Tools (up to 16 sectors)


• Confirms zonal isolation
• Locates channels in poor cement completions
• Identifies areas requiring cement squeeze
• Minimizes unnecessary squeeze jobs


• Vertical wells
• Horizontal wells
• Long laterals


Specialty Tools

Hunting Production Logging Tractors And Specialty Tools

Hunting’s logging tool portfolio addresses the entire spectrum of well phases and instrumentation jobs. This includes modular auxiliary tools that are used in niche applications, as well as tools that span all applications, such as tractors, hydraulic setting tools, and array production logging tools.


Perforating Instruments

Hunting Perforating Instruments

For over 30 years Hunting’s Titan Division has prided itself on providing nuclear, acoustic and production logging tools typically used in completion operations for deep oil and gas wells.

Titan’s patented instrument technology, plus rigorous manufacturing and quality procedures, provide our customers with dependable and cost effective products.


• Perforating Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
• Perforating Gamma Ray CCL
• Perforating Gamma Pressure Temperature Tool
• Logging Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
• Logging Gamma Ray Tools
• Motorized Free Point Tool


• International distribution network
• Reduced costs associated with stuck tools and well intervention
• Improved production
• Reduce Operators cost per Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE)


• Vertical wells
• Horizontal wells
• Long laterals
• Cased Wells