Production Logging

Hunting’s Well-Sun manufactured line of production logging tools encompass a wide variety of production logging tools that are used in all types of downhole environments in horizontal, vertical, and deviated wells.


• Gamma Ray
• Fluid Density
• Pressure
• Capacitance
• Temperature
• Spinner



• Can be combined with Array Production Logging Sensors
• Completely modular
• Provides accurate measurements of flow velocity, fluid velocity, gas hold up, and other useful measurements
• Can be run in real time with E-line or in memory production logging mode
• Conveyance independent



Flow Velocity Measurements

•  Continuous flow meters
• Basket flow meters
• Full-bore flow meters
• In-line flow meters

Flow Condition / Well Diagnostic Tools

• Pressure, temperature
• X-Y caliper
• Gamma ray
• Casing collar locator


Fluid Identification / Flow Composition Measurements

• Gas holdup
• Capacitance water holdup
• Radioactive fluid density
• Differential pressure density
• Capacitance array