Casing Inspection Tools

Well production and stability ultimately depend on pipe integrity. The condition of the pipe strongly effects tubing and casing, which can impact production. Hunting offers a portfolio of tools, manufactured by Well-Sun, that quickly determines the status of a pipe and the location of any existing issue.


• Imaging Caliper Tools
• Electromagnetic Thickness Tools


• Increased life of well
• Saves costs associated with well mediation
• Ensures effective production of well


• Drilling wear on pipe
• Single or multiple string casing diagnostics
• Leak Detection
• Casing corrosion
• Deformation of pipe

EMT-Electromagnetic Tools

EMT-Electromagnetic Tools

Our Electromagnetic Thickness Tools (EMT) have been designed to measure casing wall thickness. The power is supplied and the signals are transmitted through mono-conductor cable.

MCT-Multi-Finger Caliper Tools

MCT-Multi-Finger Caliper Tools

The Multi-finger Caliper Tool (MCT) is a mechanical tool for well diameter measurement.

NST-Noise Spectrum Tool

NST-Noise Spectrum Tool

The Noise Spectrum Tool is designed to measure downhole noise in the frequency range 100Hz to 12.7kHz. By analyzing the frequency spectra of noise, the nature of fluids may be determined and leaks located.